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Bob Velke

Wholly Genes Newsletter, 13 February 2009, Issue 2009-2

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Wholly Genes Newsletter

13 February 2009

Issue 2009, Number 2


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In this issue:


o TMG v7.04 is now available!

o NEW: Virginia Law Reports series

o New Data CD from the U.S.

o New Downloadable Data CDs.

o TMG Companion Products

o Wholly Genes online chat

o How to reach us



=== TMG v7.04 is now available! =============


The Master Genealogist v7.04.0000 is now available. We're working on TMG v8, including a fix to the word processor and HTML output problem under the 64-bit version of Windows Vista (the problem does not apply to the more common 32-bit version of Vista). In the meantime, however, this free update adds a few new features and fixes other issues that were brought to our attention by users.




o GenBridge - Support has been added for direct import from FTM 2008 and FTM 2009.

o [:NP:] code - In addition to suppressing punctuation, the code now suppresses the spaces normally output at the end of the sentence.

o UK Edition - Edits were made to the sentences for the UK-specific tags so that they would be more compatible with Second Site.

o Sample_UK project - Edits were made to the sentences for the UK-specific tags so that they would be more compatible with Second Site.

o Details window - The beginner buttons to the right of the Tag Box are now saved in the layout.

o Research task - The comments field now displays formatting rather than the format codes.

o DNA templates - A revised template for the Relative Genetics 43 marker test was added.

o DNA templates - The screen design for the Y-DNA 'DNA Fingerprint' templates has been updated to add additional fields.

o Log files - Added or revised the List of external exhibits.log, Last backup.log, and _restore.log. The output to these logs will aid managing external exhibits.

o Journal Report - The 'First Reference Number' field on the Options / General tab now accepts values from 1 - 99999.




o Tag Box - Double-excluded memos were showing in the Tag Box when 'Show excluded data' was selected.

o Tag Box - 'Filter for tags of this type' didn't work correctly with Address and History group tags.

o Image window - The Image window could lose focus and show the wrong person when selected from the Window menu.

o Associates window - The Associates window could lose focus and show the wrong person when selected from the Window menu.

o Layouts - Layouts for multiple monitors weren't being applied when selected from the Layout toolbar or from a custom toolbar.

o Tag Box Toolbar - There were cases when you had a Tag Entry screen open or a Master list screen open that the [-] button on the Tag Box Toolbar was active when it should have been inactive.

o Custom Toolbar Manager - Duplicate Book Manager selections were consolidated and the remaining selection was cleaned up.

o Project Explorer - Filters - Selecting [Cancel] from the 'Fill in the Blank' screen didn't cancel the filter.

o Project Explorer - Filters - If you filtered using the Query by Example tab and then switched to the Filter tab, the screen had some layout problems.

o Expanded Picklist - The options for the Event List mode were revised.

o Flag Manager - The messages received when trying to delete or edit flags from disabled data sets were updated.

o Flag Manager - The messages when enabling disabled flags were updated.

o Validate File Integrity - There was a problem entering network paths on the 'List of folders for location' screen for checking external exhibits.

o Restore - Restore could produce an error - Array dimensions are invalid. 3 CUSLAYOUTMANAGER.MLAYOUTEXIST.

o Add Person - An error could occur when the program was set to Beginner data entry mode and add sibling or add add child was selected from the menu.

o Tag Entry screen - When adding a citation to a tag and opening and editing a source from the Citation screen, it was possible to leave the Master Source List open when backing out of the series of open screens.

o Add/Edit Witness - Selecting an alternate name from the Picklist didn't result in that name being selected as the name used for the witness.

o Memo field - The function used to call an external text file from memo fields was broken.

o Master Place List - Fixed cosmatic issues with the search window.

o Master Place List - You could lock up the master Place list by maximizing the screen and clicking on the window background.

o Master Place List - A text correction was made on the Global Search and Replace screen.

o Master Source List - A blank source was created if you started to add a new source and then canceled.

o Source Definition Screen - If you had changed the Ibid. setting and then changed the source type, the Ibid. setting was reset to default.

o Source export - Cleaned up the comments in the export file that is created.

o Place Information - Revised the GNIS site parameters for placeinfo.ini.

o Research Log - An error occurred when certain tasks were opened.

o Research Log - When adding tasks to successive people who previously had no research tasks, you could get an Open dialog when using CTRL_F3 from the task Comments field.

o Exhibit Log - An error occurred when the [Load] function on the Properties / General tab was used for successive exhibits.

o Exhibit Log - various issues when using the [Load] button in exhibit properties were fixed.

o Exhibit Log - Using after entering a filter value opened the 'Select file for new exhibit' screen.

o Exhibit Log - Some valid exhibit paths were being seen as invalid when the Preferences 'frowny faces' option was selected.

o Exhibit Log - There was an issue with certain video files, where the video viewer did not open and play the video correctly.

o Exhibit Log - There was a circumstance where resizing the Exhibit Log window was not being remembered.

o Slideshow Manager - fixed various issues when using the [Load] button in frame properties.

o Slideshow Manager - An error occurred when overwriting an existing slide show.

o DNA Log - The wrong test was opened under certain circumstances.

o DNA Log - Various tabbing issues on the DNA Log screen were resolved.

o DNA templates - The 'More information about this test' URLs for the Ethnoancestry, Family Tree DNA and Relative Genetics templates were updated.

o DNA templates - Most tabbing issues on the DNA fingerprint screen were resolved.

o DNA templates - The Haplogroup field in the mtDNA template was not being saved.

o GenSmarts - Users of the Silver edition of TMG7 could not open the GenSmarts module from the Tools menu.

o Text Macros - Shift-F10 couldn't be used more than once. Note that the focus will jump to the Menu when you use Shift-F10. You can click back to where you want to use the macro and hit Shift+F10 again.

o Check for Duplicate People - Inconsistent results were obtained when the project contained more than one data set.

o Merge Two People - Some changes were made to the keyboard behavior when using the merge screen.

o Charts - A text correction was made to the "Visual Chartform" selection in the file Type selection field on the report definition screen.

o Charts - When a chart was created, the default report output path was being passed to Visual Chartform rather than the path specified in Preferences.

o Descendant Box Chart - If you changed the Orientation on the Chart Style tab, some of the options on the Lines tab were disabled until you saved and reopened the chart Options.

o Relationship Chart - The report didn't respond properly in the case when the same ID# had been entered into both fields.

o List of People - The five output column choices for '# of Citations' didn't work correctly.

o List of People - The DNA Log data wasn't being copied when a new project was created using the Secondary Output feature.

o List of Events - When you used the Secondary Output option to change flags, only the flag of Principal 1 was being changed when the flags of both principals in a tag should have been changed.

o List of Citations - An error occurred using the 'Source Number... = [?]' filter after initiating the filter.

o List of Sources - There was a problem with specifying the data set when the Repository Number filter was used and the project had more than one data set.

o List of... reports - Some issues with the Tag Type... filter selection were resolved for the List of Events, List of Names and List of Witnesses.

o List of Witnesses - A filter for 'Is a Principal' / 'Is a Principal' was not being saved when the report was run in French.

o Filters - Various issues with the # of Spouses filter were corrected.

o Filters - An invalid return occurred with Is a Descendant and Is an Ancestor type filters when the filter had an invalid ID# as the value.

o Filters - An error occurred when filtering for # of Witnessed... in a language other than English (U.S.).

o Message Manager - Unread messages were being marked as read when the Message Manager was closed.

o Other minor fixes and tweaks have been made to the program.


This free v7.04.0000 update requires a previous installation of v7.00-v7.03 (Users with a prior version must first upgrade to v7.0). To download and apply the update, run TMG, access the Help menu and choose "Check for an update." Alternatively, you can choose "Check for a Program Update" from the Windows Start menu > The Master Genealogist group. The update will be applied automatically. Upon restarting, the startup screen will reflect a version number of "v7.04.0000."



=== NEW: Virginia Law Reports series =========


Our sister company, Archives CD Books USA, is proud to announce the first releases from an exciting new project, undertaken in cooperation of the Virginia Genealogical Society (VGS). The following introduction and book summaries were written by Barbara Vines Little, CG, for the February, 2009 issue of the Virginia Genealogical Society newsletter and are reprinted here by permission.



The Virginia Law Reports


Virginia law is based upon English common law. It has evolved over time through the enactment of statutes by legislative action (statute law) and the interpretation of those statues by the judiciary (case law). While the interpretation of the law in an individual case is not binding on other cases, it does set precedent and is often used as a basis for the interpretation of new cases. Case law, unlike statutes, is difficult to track; thus through the years, the individual opinions have been collected by various "reporters," at first informally and later more formally into collections called reports. These reports include, unlike the official court orders, an explanation of the reasoning behind the interpretation. A history of the evolution of the Virginia reports is available in Bryson's "Virginia Law Books: Essays and Bibliographies."(1)


The particular value of the Virginia reports lies in the fact that the majority of the records of Virginia's appellate courts were destroyed by fire in 1865. The reports are one of the few surviving sources for information on the cases heard on appeal. And while the reports focus is the law, in the process of presenting the law, they frequently provide information about individuals, families and family relationships (sometime multi-generational) that are unavailable elsewhere.


Between 1900-1903 the Michie Company republished in 26 volumes, as the "Virginia Reports Annotated," the first 74 volumes of the court reports covering the period through 1880. These include a volume by Jefferson which reports on some colonial decisions between 1730 and 1772, the remainder are post colonial. However, the information presented in the court cases often span a number of decades and consequently, often include events and data about individuals in the early 1700s.


In 2005 Ken Craft of Norcross, Georgia, donated a complete set of the "Virginia Reports Annotated" as well as 6 other volumes (three of which are reviewed below) to the Virginia Genealogical Society in the hope that they could arrange for material to be made more readily available to the genealogical community through the compilation of a general index or by other means. In 2008, the society entered into an agreement with Archive CD Books, USA to publish the volumes in a fully-searchable digital format. The first three volumes are now available and are reviewed below. As future volumes are made available they will be reviewed here as well.



R. T. Barton, ed., "Virginia Colonial Decisions: the Reports by Sir John Randolph and by Edward Barradall of Decisions of the General Court of Virginia 1728- 1741" (Boston, Mass.: the Boston Book Company, 1909) fully searchable digital edition by Archive CD Books, USA, 2009. ($19.95, http://www.WhollyGenes.com/us0627.htm)


The General Court of Virginia which like the county court, was a court of original jurisdiction, also dealt with criminal cases and heard cases on appeal from the county courts. Its records are no longer extant. Since this court dealt with the cases that often involved tangled legal questions, the details of cases and the basis for decisions were used by the judges to decide later cases. Notes or "reports" were kept of the more important cases. The reports kept by Sir John Randolph and Edward Barradall which provide details of cases argued before the General Court from 1728 through 1741 are the only surviving colonial reports except for Jefferson's notes. Although the cases were argued in the 1700s, events detailed in the cases frequently date to the 1600s. And, although the point of the "reports" was to record the basis for the decision, intertwined in the legal description of the basis for the case and the points that were argued are tantalizing tidbits, sometimes even family lineages such as that described below in the case of Booth v Dudley which is concerned with the transfer of title to a tract of land owned by Peter Ransome.


"Peter Ransom was seized of 1100 acres of Land having Issue, James, George and Wm. by his last Will and Testam't Devised 350 Acres the Land in Question to George and his Heirs forever and died; . . . George. . . by his last Will & Testam't. Devised this Land . . . to Eliz'a his only Child; . . . George died and Elizabeth his Daughter and Heir. . . Intermarried with Rob't Dudley some time in the year 16__. and they had Issue Rob't Dudley. . . . Robert Dudley and his Wife [Elizabeth, daughter of George Ransom] by Deeds . . . Convey[ed] this 350 Acres of Land to James Ransom and his heirs with . . . Deeds . . . acknowledged in Gloucester Court . . . [on]16 August 1694. . . . James Ransom . . . by his last Will and Testament Devised the Land to his 3 sons George, Robert and Peter."


The case also notes that Elizabeth Dudley's first husband died on 20 October 1701, her second husband died in 1710 and she married within a year or less Thomas Elliott who died 19 November 1716. Elizabeth died 23 December 1718. Details such as this are hard enough to come by in any county much less a burned county like Gloucester.


Women and, more importantly, women's maiden names, also appear frequently in these cases. For example, we learn that Rebecca, daughter of William Pinkethman who died testate in York, married after his death Robert Cobbs and that Rebecca and Robert's daughter Elizabeth Cobbs married James Shields. And, even when the married name(s) of the daughters (or sisters) are not given, the style of the suit will often suggest the surname name of the husband.


Although many points of law presented in these pages are complex, others explain concepts of the law in easily understood terms: "If a Man by his Will devises all his Lands and afterwards Purchases other Lands the new purchased Lands shall not pass [by will], for a Man can't give that which he has not, and which was void in its original can never be good. If an Infant makes a Will it's void, tho' he come of full age before he die. So of a feme Covert [married woman]."


For those who wish to learn more about the law of entail and inheritance, the rules regarding the heir-at-law's right to property, dower and courtesy rights, these cases can be especially helpful. Rules regarding the inheritance of slaves and how the law of inheritance differed during that period when they were considered real property are also discussed in some of the cases.


In addition to the reports, this two-volume set contains an extensive 250 page discussion of the colonial government providing a history of the transcripts of the reports, and a discussion of the land, the people, the government, church, the city, education, the law and lawyers, the courts and the reporters. This is an excellent resource for those interested in the history of the courts and the laws.



Robert R. Howison, "Reports of Criminal Trials in the Circuit, State and United States Courts, Held in Richmond, Virginia" (Richmond, Va.: George M. West & Brother, 1851. fully searchable digital edition by Archive CD Books, USA, 2009. ($12.95, http://www.WhollyGenes.com/us0628.htm)


This volume provides a unique look at life in Virginia in 1850. Criminal trials are rarely considered a source of information on the lives of individuals. Criminals, whether murders or thieves, are rarely sought after for additions to our family trees. We fail to consider that information presented in their trials is not limited to the criminal and his act.


Physical descriptions, occupations, relationships, description of day-to-day activities are things we expect to find in letters, journals and diaries. Yet all of these and more appear in the criminal trials described in this volume. These detailed reports of criminal trials on charges ranging from counterfeiting to murder conducted in the local, state and federal courts held in Henrico County provide detailed physical descriptions of both the person charged with the crime and other individuals involved in the crime, and note a variety of occupations ranging from lieutenant of the night watch, to contractor, to exchange broker to the lady who refused to describe the type of house she kept.


We're told who lived next door, get descriptions of entertainment available in town, the attire worn by a variety of participants, and given detailed descriptions of business transactions, and such things as the ports of call of boats traveling the James River and the "normal" activities of travelers, as well as the details of family relationships.


There are references to families from the burned counties of Caroline and Hanover, a discussion of the basis for the legal determination of free Negro status, and descriptions of medical treatments for wounds and causes of death. These reports provide a rarely available window into the world of our ancestors.


(1) W. Hamilton Bryson, "Reports of Cases," Virginia Law Books: Essays and Bibliographies (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2000), 86-136.



=== New Data CD ====================================


The following new data CD is now available from WhollyGenes.com:



$12.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...WS&p=US0618

Reverend John Alden has brought together in one volume a wide variety of information on the Alden family, including his own autobiography, genealogical information on his own close relatives and the early descendants of John Alden of the Mayflower, and dozens of well-told stories on many topics. (more...)



=== New Downloadable Data CDs ========================


This following data CDs are now available as a download from WhollyGenes.com, saving the cost of shipping:



$9.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0284-DL

This classic and essential volume collects a wide variety of information on the state of New York, treating first of the state as a whole, and then covering all counties, cities and towns. Each section contains topographical and historical data, accompanied by statistical tables on many subjects. (more...)



$4.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0324-DL

This volume provides complete, verbatim transcriptions of the inscriptions on all tombstones for the town of Madison, Connecticut, (formerly a part of the town of Guilford) with dates prior to 1800. These inscriptions were gathered by a number of transcribers, from four cemeteries in the town. (more...)



$14.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0342-DL

Marshall has gathered about a hundred accounts of persons imprisoned during the Civil War on suspicion of plans to fight for the South or conspire against the North. The narratives contain details of the arrest of the suspect, the conditions during imprisonment and the attempts to obtain release. (more...)


Rhode Island Geographic Board in cooperation with the United States Geographic Board, OFFICIAL GAZETTEER OF RHODE ISLAND (DOWNLOAD), (1932) 2008.

$9.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0355-DL

This official compilation gathers together more than five thousand Rhode Island place names in one alphabetical sequence. The list includes political units of the state such as counties, towns and villages, as well as physical features, such as rivers, islands and even exposed rocks in the harbors. (more...)



$19.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0609-DL

Fiske devotes this volume of his series on colonial American history to the French colonies of North America and to related aspects of New England history in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, bringing the story down to 1763, laying the groundwork for his volumes on the Revolution. (more...)



$24.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0610-DL

Fiske devotes this volume of his series on colonial American history first to New Amsterdam and the early history of New York and New Jersey, then to the settlement of Pennsylvania and of the territory that became Delaware. He then carries the history of these colonies down to the Revolutionary era. (more...)



$29.95 http://www.WhollyGenes.com/find_wg.mvc?ref...amp;p=US0611-DL

These two volumes constitute the opening section of Fiske's massive history of colonial North America. Here he describes the Native American peoples prior to the European voyages of discovery, then relates the voyages of discovery themselves, to which he adds material on the Spanish conquests. (more...)



=== TMG Companion Products ==========================


The following companion products which were developed for TMG users like you:


"A Primer for The Master Genealogist"

A great new book for beginning TMG users by Terry Reigel.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/primer.htm


"Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist"

The popular book compiled by Lee Hoffman - now available in electronic form.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gettingthemost.htm


Video training for TMG on DVD

Getting Started, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/videotapes.htm


Second Site

Web site construction tools for your TMG data.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/secondsite.htm

Latest version=2.2 Build 6


Pocket Genealogist

The TMG companion program for Pocket PCs and other Windows Powered devices.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pocketgen.htm

Latest version=3.11


GedStar PRO

The TMG companion program for PalmOS users.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gedstarpro.htm

Latest version=3.2



The research advisor that reads your TMG data directly.

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/gensmarts.htm

Latest version=


Map My Family Tree

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/mapmyfamilytree.htm

Latest version=1.4.11



Exhibit management utility

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/pathwiz.htm

Latest version=v8


Chartform Delivery

An inexpensive chart printing service

See http://www.WhollyGenes.com/wallcharts.htm


For the full list of companion products, please visit the Wholly Genes Community forum (http://www.WhollyGenes.com/forums.htm) and click on "Companion Products."



=== Wholly Genes online chat =======================


The next online chat with Wholly Genes will be Saturday, 21 March 2009, at 2pm EST and again at 11pm Eastern Time. Don't miss this opportunity to "talk" online with Wholly Genes representatives, as well as with other TMG users around the world.


Remember that the Wholly Genes chat room is available to you at any time. Just go to http://www.WhollyGenes.com and click on Public Chat in the Support menu. When you see the security warning, click on or . Then be patient because it could take 30 seconds or more (especially on a dial-up connection) to load the necessary chat tools. When prompted, simply enter a chat nickname and then click on Connect. That's all there is to it. We hope to see you there!



=== How to reach us ==============================


For tech support, please access the Wholly Genes Community message board at:


or write to:



Please be sure to note what version of the program you are using.


You can also reach us at:


Wholly Genes Software

9110 Red Branch Road, STE O

Columbia, Maryland 21045


410-730-9734 (fax)


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